Daily Archives: October 24, 2016

What are the basics of building a muscular body?

dumbbell-401929_960_720You have decided that it is time for a good change. Muscle Building is at the top of your bucket list and you want to start now. Anyone who wants to start building muscles must start eating specific foods and must have the ability to do simple body weight exercises. This includes:

  • pull-ups
  • body squats
  • sit-ups
  • push ups

Make sure that you are able to do this list of body weight exercises as this is the core of body weight training. Basic exercises help build strength to the following areas: muscles, tendons, ligaments and the mind.

What are the basic exercises in muscle building?

  • Barbell Squat and Barbell Bench Press
  • Standing Barbell Overhead Press
  • Bent Over Rows and Barbell Curls
  • Deadlift, Dips, and Pull-ups

Watch this: 8 Muscle Building Exercises for Beginners

Your first two months in body building must be focused on learning and perfecting the right techniques of doing the basic exercises. There’s no need to rush in lifting weights, galvanized steel coil is meant to be carried by lifts and you are meant to carry galvanized steel chains in time.

Skinny people who want to grow big muscles need not do cardio routines. Cardio exercises help boost metabolism and cardio actually helps burn fat and not build muscles.

Sample Routine for the Beginner

Following a routine is among the best ways for beginners. You can follow routines that are already up on the internet or published in magazines. Through time, you will want to develop your own routine and train on what fits your needs most.

Generally, the beginner would want to start at least three times a week in the gym.

Here is a sample routine any beginner can follow:

Tuesdays and Thursdays:

  • 5 sets of squats – add weight in each set
  • 5 sets of bench press – add weight in each set
  • 5 sets of overhead press – add weight in each set
  • 3 sets of pull ups – or the maximum that you can do


  • 5 sets of squats – add weight in each set
  • 5 sets of deadlift – add weight in each set
  • 5 sets of bench press – add weight in each set
  • 5 sets of overhead press – add weight in each set
  • 3 sets of pull ups – or the maximum that you can do

Start low and eventually add weight into your routine.